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Training & Skills

leading the way in staff training & skill development

Cablesheer distinguishes itself in the construction industry by leading the way in staff training and skill development through the Cablesheer Academy.  This dedicated training facility is committed to upholding the highest standards in construction and hazard management.

Our mission is clear: to offer first class, in-house training not only to our workforce but also to our supply chain partners, clients, and external stakeholders. Additionally, the academy serves as a pivotal platform for our organic business growth, fostering the development of future talent through the intake of apprentices in construction and environmental trades.

Our commitment to continuous learning and skill enhancement positions Cablesheer as a trailblaser in the construction industry.


Welcome to the cablesheer academy our own training facility dedicated to promoting and teaching the highest standards in construction and hazard management.

Our aim

The academy was formed to provide high quality, inhouse training to our workforce, supply chain, clients and external parties. It will also be the catalyst to grow our business organically through the intake of apprentices in construction and environmental trades.